Many weeks I leave work on Fridays and come home, make dinner and the fam and I just sit around and watch movies or just do nothing really. Since we have a younger one who isn't yet always on the go we are home Friday nights. So I have decided tho start working on some of these UFO's I have. This past year I have been motivated to start some of these projects that I have wanted to do but I'm real good at getting the tops done and then they sit around until I feel the need to work on them again. In the mean time I'm starting another top so it's a constant backlog of getting tops done but not much actual finishing. I'm going to blame this on not a lot of floor space to baste. Since it seems if your held accoutable you may get more things done I have decided to sign up for the Friday Night Sew-In. It's being held by Handmade by Heidi. I really like her blog and her creativity and I'm really excited to do this. Now I just have to figure out how to sign up for real. I'm so blogger dumb.
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