Along with me sewing goals. I have many many unfinished projects. They are in various stages and while I was cleaning my sewing nook out over the weekend I keep finding a bag here or a plastic tote there with the different projects in them. As part of 2012 I realized I need to have my crap together. Not only in my quilting but in my personal life as well but for this blog and this time I'm just going to cover my quilty goals. I need a schedule or a structure of sort which lead me to making up these goals....
I'm going to divide the year in half. So for the first six month any quilty project that is not a quilt top needs to be done. That's correct all fabric cut or half sewn together needs to be made into a quilt top by June 1st. As for the rest of the year the quilt tops then need to have progress towards becoming a quilt for us to keep or give away. Know I have a realistic view here and I'm going to cut myself some slack cause I know even though other people can pump out a bazillion quilts a year, I can't and I'm not even going to feel bad if I can't possible finish all the tops. I will however not allow myself to fall behind on making the tops. You can see for yourself soon that most of the work is done. The majority is cut or precut. I decided to keep out the boxes that are just not cut fabric. Besides there are only two of those. They are just going to counted as stash for now.
So lets introduce the boxes....
So lets introduce the boxes....
Chasing Chevrons.
Not getting much done cause the light sucks for trimming squares
Something scrappy.
Excuse for this one....Lost the pattern.
See why I need some personal goals. I'm constantly loosing stuff
applique wall hanging.
Got pushed to the side cause sewing and H's volleyball practice don't mix
Christmas throw quilt.
Don't really like the fabric.
Make Life tumblers.
Just six more rows to piece. I actually can't wait to finish this!
Amy Butler Dresdens.
Was going to be a baby quilt but i took one of the dresdens and made a pillow so now I don't know what I want to do.
Hometown jelly roll.
Want to make this. Need to get the backing and binding
Bliss tumblers.
Modern Workshop my grandma got me for my birthday.
not quite sure but I have been playing around
Finally the string quilt.
I don't have a lot of room to lay this out so I'm just going to wing it 4 or 6 strips at a time.
I'm linking up with Quilt Story and Freshly Pieced
you were talking about lack of light... I bought an OttLight and i hav to say I LOVE IT!!! They are on sale right now at JoAnns. They are an investment, but they will save your eyes in the end!! Check them out!!
You look like you have a lot of fun projects ahead of you. Can't wait to see how they turn out!
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