Nov 4, 2010

I can't believe

it's November already. I hope everyone has a had a wonderful Halloween. Ours started out rocky but improved after a couple houses. h had spent the whole fall break with her grandma who probably didn't stick to a single bedtime schedule so we had a cranky child for a bit.
Well this is what I have been working on. Yesterday I got home from my work meeting and realized in the whole time we have lived in this house we have yet to eat dinner at our kitchen table. Well mainly because it hasn't been in our kitchen. As you an see it's a little crowded and i had never in my wildest dream would have thought it looked OK in there but I said to myself, "self  lets just for fun move that table in the kitchen and see what happens." I LOVE IT!!!!!! Please ignore the further view where you see clutter and half hardwood half carpet. I'm a slow mover and we I am taking up the carpet in the other rooms so we I can refinish the lovely hardwood floors.

Next I have this lovely treasure I found for free at a garage sale. (my moms garage sale and I just brought it home) The cushion is like plastic and the wood is an ugly shade. I am currently painting it but I have been kinda busy and haven't finished much.
A nice little Dresden plate made with some Amy Butler. 2 or 3 more to follow this one when I have more than 5 minutes at a time in my sewing nook. Most likely to be a wall hanging for myself or a Christmas gift. Not sure how selfish I'm feeling.
I made this with my left over scraps. I was inspired with all the scrap posts that I saw while I was at work bored to tears wishing i could at least bring in my baby singer to pass the time away. I followed this tutorial ticker tape quilt from crazy mom quilts. it was really easy and if I could ever sit still long enough to make a larger one I surely would. I used my left over scraps from my candle mat swap fabric
And last but not least. I was talking about this quilt in my i quit post. I got it all machine quilted and I sewed the binding on during Volleyball practices the past week. I finished it up and it was my wubby for my dentist appointment.Why do they always make that play freezing. I take a quilt every time I go.
The only problem is In the first picture I guess I did something while I sewed the binding on with my machine because a small piece kinda slipped out while I was hand sewing it to the back. I'm not redoing the whole thing. Is there a way I could maybe patch it? This baby isn't going to anyone just for my viewing pleasure.  Hopefully I will get some time to myself to get more stuff done, but it's not looking likely.
My weekend looks like this
Thursday -volleyball
Friday - Basketball game
Saturday - Brothers Housewarming.( Do I give a gift?)
Sunday - Disney Live
Monday- volleyball and girl scouts!

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