Feb 5, 2012


Here is my practice swoon. I was hand quilting it with the chunky stitches. so far I have the purple done and aim to have the green done by the time the Superbowl is over. I also went to the Superbowl sale at my LQS. UMMMM 75% off the clearance room. plus prizes and discounts on regular stuff. 

I also decided to make my swoon quilt with Prince Charming from Tula Pink. I'm going to use Kona Ash for the background fabric. Pictures to come of my loot and my swoon fabrics once I acquire my background fabric


Josie McRazie said...

I really like your take on 'swoon'! Some of them are just so busy. I like it a little more 'contained' I guess! Love yours!!

Mrs.Pickles said...

lovely block the colours go so well together